EGabriel Bootcamp : My First Month
Learning the Fundamentals
At first, I wasn't sure what to expect when I joined a C# ASP.Net bootcamp. I was eager to learn new things and challenge myself, and my first month in the program has been a fascinating experience.
One of the first things we learned was the object-oriented programming (OOP) concept in C#.
We were tasked with writing a console bank application as a way to practice what we had learned about OOP. The application allowed users to create accounts, make deposits and withdrawals, and view their account balance. It was exciting to see how we could apply the concepts we had learned to create a functional program.
After completing the console application, we moved on to learning about writing APIs in C#. Our second task was to write a library API that would allow users to search for books by title or author. It was interesting to learn about the various HTTP methods and status codes used in API development, as well as how to use tools like Swagger to test and document our APIs.
Throughout the first month, I was impressed by the level of support and mentorship provided by the instructors. They were always available to answer questions, provide feedback, and offer guidance on how to approach new concepts and challenges.
Overall, my first month in the EGabriel bootcamp has been a rewarding experience. I've learned a lot about C# and ASP.Net, and I'm excited to continue building my skills and knowledge in the coming months.